Wednesday 15 February 2012


#febphotoaday #day15 #phone #iphone #lifebeforeiphone

What was life like before iphones interrupted our conversations, distracted us from our work, destroyed our patience and shortened our attention spans?

What did we DO?

We must have waited for longer, to find out movie session times, Myer specials and why a friend was late. We must have watched our children's swimming lessons, their soccer practice, their play, and the rapidly changing expressions on their beautiful faces, as they discovered for themselves, through exploration and actual human interaction, amazing places, people and information, all accessible now, literally at our fingertips, via smart phones. We must have had entire conversations with our friends and family members (and heated discussions without the support of our good friend, Google). We might not have known so much about every little corner of the world but we might have gotten to know our own little corner a little better. We might have remained a little less afraid of who it is others perceive us to be. Without a phone attached at the wrist, we still stand a chance.



But the whole world is in my phone!

Isn't it?

Look. Look up. Turn the phone to silent, put it down and look up and out and all around you. That's it. There it is. The world before iphones. It's all around you. Go, be part of it (says she as she blogs on her iphone, having taken and uploaded photos of actual humans on her iphone).

Go, be part of it sometimes.

"There is life outside your apartment!"

How much of it are we missing?

And which kind of mama (person) do I want to be? The one who misses the moments, the one who manages to capture the moments or the one who experiences every moment? I don't need Google to know the answer to that.

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