Tuesday, 28 August 2007

quick cheat update email to cousin jen

Daycare Kid: Day 1

I've returned to work much earlier than anticipated because SCC asked me to do a contract until the end of the year, secondary drama; too good to turn down. that means Poppy has been thrown into the deep end too, starting daycare and nanny and bugsy's care. Sam did the worst thing imaginable this morning and STAYED TO WATCH HER, rather than leaving her with the girls and going. he was in tears when he called me to tell me that after a cuddle, she just stood there in the middle of the beautiful yard (it's a beautiful centre, the best here. Oscar and Henry are also there when Analiese is swimming) and just looked around, forlornly, holding tightly to her polar bear. he told me he nearly went back to get her. but you have all that to look forward to! enjoy every moment though. don't look too far ahead at all. everyone is still busy telling me, "ooh, what a lovely stage you're about to see," and I keep telling them that I'm just loving this stage right now! Jen, you will so love being a mama.

Sam is playing Old Deuteronomy in Cats, opening wednesday night. bit of a favour at the last minute to the director. I think he'll enjoy it by the end of the season. Poppy now recognises him fully made up and her other fave is Skim ble shanks the rail way cat the cat of the rail way train. recently, I took her to see the french show, La La Luna and she loved that too. Cats overlaps with early rehearsals for Baby the musical (November), in which Sam and I play the fitness freak couple trying and failing to have a baby. see next-most-recent-saga story (to come)...

our most recent drama though, is that we have all survived the norovirus-gastro-week-from-hell! holy! had to call the ambo for Sam on friday morning 'cause he's such a tough guy-never gets sick-and it was such a shock to see him in any pain! he was on saline for the day. Poppy must have lost a kg since last monday. I may have since Friday! and since not throwing up, I have managed to sustain an almighty headache, not unlike the Mt Isa headaches, all day, all through the sleepless nights, all the next day...blurry to the point of wondering what just happened to the last 3 hours that have passed, apparently, when I steal a look at the clock. or did I just drive from home to school? scary. so there's the segue to the next-most-recent-saga...

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