ok. just the title. it's a Hindi trans-literation issue. apparently. that will give some of you some guess work. until you copy and paste into Google Translator.
technology is not my strong point. I'm a bit hit and miss with it all. but I get writer's cramp in no time at all, probably due to my Too Tight Pencil Grip, which I was told was detrimentally affecting my handwriting, my creative potential...basically, my life was over already, at the age of nine, due to a Too Tight Pencil Grip. according to my mother, Mrs Butler was the Teacher who Changed My Life; clearly, I didn't realise or appreciate at the time that Mrs Butler would inadvertantly and rather sternly, point me in the direction of the keyboard, the internet; on my PC (don't even TALK to me about getting a mac. oh, I am getting a macbook, baby; I am tech-savvy and trend-savvy enough to know that I can't live another day without a mac)! well. maybe one more day. one day more. one day more......mac-less.
I don't like answering the phone either. and I loathe picking up the phone to make a call even more. I hate my voice on the phone. I do. I teach voice and I hate my voice. whatever. so I have an iphone, like all my friends (yes, I mean YOU) mainly so I can update my statii via the Tweetie and Facebook for iphone applications. this way, you know what I'm doing without me ever having to TELL you. my husband, I might mention, who is even more technologically disadvantaged than I, is the one who purchased the PC, and iphone AND an ipod. I mean, really. c'mon. talk about redundant devices. did he not do his google homework here???
but I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. I use the ipod for work. and for tanning. and for the entertainment and amusement of my two and a half year old. if I'm not using the ipod, she is. this is she, listening to Lara Janine
if the iphone rings, this is me, running from it

n.b. this may not be me. this may be the guy who has been running from camera for over a year now. he must be exhausted.
so I have been known to fluke my way through a number of technological set ups, including emails, blogs, social networking sites and most recently UNINSTALLING PROGRAMS and ENCRYPTING DOCUMENTS. like, WOW! I feel like I should be working for ASIO, however; they are unlikely to have me on account of my very public accounts all over the world wide web. I have an online identity. I am currently having a major online identity crisis.
not being at all nerd-like (except perhaps when it comes to hearing a reference about something or someone and googling the bejesus out of it or them until I know more about it than the person who referenced it or that they knew about themselves), the pros and cons of linking social identities has only gradually come to my attention. with the kind assistance from the nerd-like Geek Gurus (clearly, I'm being complimentary here) of Twitter, such as @mashable and @problogger, not to mention Mr Nick O'Neil, who is my good friend (and yours) on Facebook; I have, hallelujah, seen the light! oh and the dark too, my eyes blurring, my head filling with fog, after hours and hours, until the wee small hours, trying to work out how to embed coded gadgets with which to enhance a page or link my various pages. like Google Friend Connect...AAAAAAAAGH!!! can't even blog about it. it's still too new. open wound. it's there. Google Friend is there, I mean; the open wound was metaphorical. look! look to your left. join! be my Google Friend!
and then! and THEN working out that by changing all profile pics all together, at the same time even, in some crazy choreographed, synchronised, uploaded dance, means that if there were ever The Perfect Victim for an amateur online stalker, it is I. I am easy to find and follow. you can find me here, Follow Me on Twitter, Friend Me on Facebook, become my Google Friend (is a Google Friend as good as a Facebook Friend? how close are we? do you like the theatre? strawberries? pina coladas and taking walks in the rain? a topic for another time).
it seems, at this very moment in time, I am everywhere. where the hell are you?
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