#febphotaday #day7 #button #someofmumsbuttons #burda1975
This is the German BURDA mag from December 1975. So it figures that when I was born, this is the fashion my mum was following. Growing up, Mum made just about everything we wore and our dresses often boasted gorgeous, decorative buttons. Everything I wear now is fitted and buttons are not usually a feature, more a practicality. A couple of dresses and a trench coat by Jane Lamerton are probably the only pieces I own now with buttons on them.
Sometimes I miss having lots of buttons on things. I guess I feel that deep down, I'm still a bit of a button girl.
Although I don't sew and I'll never use any buttons outside of a scrapbook, I love to see them, buy them, store them and sort them into colours (green, blue, gold, silver, rust, orange, pink, cerise), shapes (round, square, diamond, animal, boat, fruit) and textures (zen gardens of zig zags and swirls). I'll happily sit in the middle of masses of buttons for hours, amongst their stories (real and imagined) and in amongst my own vague memories, which are jogged from time to time by over-exposed photographs trapped in albums and frames around the house; those special occasions, those special treats and those special trips made in such very special dresses made by Mum...
play. discovery. therapy.
My sister, Lorelei, has a much closer association with her clothes than I do with mine. I really like new things and I guess that pretty much puts a lot of vintage - and beautiful vintage buttons - out of the picture. Dress, Memory is Lorelei's blog-turned-book (I'll let you know when the book is out).
If you're after buttons online, check out All Buttons Great and Small.
And if you're a true button baby, you'll love these cute croquet buttons by Elegant Musings.

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