Monday, 25 April 2011

A Little ALDI Update

I realised after speaking with my sister about what we were both writing at the moment, that I'd never updated about ALDI. I went back, you know. I went back with husband and child in tow and we lasted all of 5 minutes.

I'll break it down for you, shall I?

1st minute: we walked in and I could feel Sam's angst about being anywhere that implied we HAD to be there due to lack of desired income. A person's pride is deadly.

2nd minute: I looked at the snacks I'd bought for Poppy last visit and actually read the list of ingredients, none of which were necessary for a child's survival at school. I put them back just as another mother, with 3 noisy kids by her side, picked up a few. Sam tried not to look at anything in particular as he made a bee-line for the back of the store.

3rd minute: Poppy got excited about ice cream that looked like it would taste more of ice than cream and I told her firmly, "NO."

4th minute: Sam trying to resist saying, "I told you so" as we made it past the sodden, wilted fruit and veg on the way to the checkout.

5th minute: checked out, literally, the 2 checkout attendants, looking miserable about this being their lot in life and left ALDI for the last time, feeling slightly guilty that a) I'd walked out without making a purchase (I can't help it. I don't know what it was I wanted to find but still, I'm an emotional shopper that way) and b) I'd dragged Sam and Poppy along, purely to disprove his misgivings only to have them reinforced by the droll atmosphere, the unhappy faces and the sub-standard products all over again!

As Ziggi Blasko would tell anybody who disagrees and still, after their first or second visit, holds ALDI in high esteem, "And you can argue until the cows come home...but you're wrong. You're just plain wrong!"

ALDI is soul destroying. Perhaps not for your soul but it is for mine. I will therefore continue to balance the budget between our little local Woolies and The Natural Foodstore. I thank you.

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