Wednesday, 26 September 2007

baby baby baby: six weeks out

my baby loves her bath!

now the work begins. and I thought rose ritz was hard to get! for Pam, I will have to master some basketball tricks within the choreo, whilst singing in the weaker, middle part of my voice, between "voices" (we don't have head voice and chest voice anymore. contemporary teachers teach one voice), which will require intense focus and a whole lot of tilt. the scenes are really challenging because they are both so raw underneath, trying desperately to hide what they're really feeling- Pam feels she's a failure as a woman and a wife. and then feels the need to support Nick when he fails her, who doesn't want to be supported because that's part of his failure, as a man and as a husband who has always been the stronger one, supporting her. it's all in the subtext and very difficult to concentrate on at the moment, while we're blocking with everyone in the studio. can't wait to get into the theatre. can't wait to have the lines committed to memory- the hardest part in actual fact, because once I know them, I'll know how to deliver them. but tricky dialogue to learn. this show is our biggest emotional rollercoaster ride yet. and yet...we can't stop talking about Les Mis for next year! auditions in a couple of weeks.

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