Friday, 29 June 2007

post cheat#2 from an email to aunty lorelei

Poppy and I went to see the baby animals at the plaza today (29.06.07), there for the school hols; you know old macdonald's little farm? she loved the chickens!!! I used to teach a kid, Anthony, in year 5 at happy valley ss and he loved chickens- he had one, called Henny Penny (the sky is falling, the sky is falling!), which he brought to school on more than one occasion. all he ever talked about or wrote about was this chicken, Henny Penny! oh, and often about inskip point too, where he went for holidays with his nanna. he lived with his nanna, actually. she was in at school all the time. really tough old chick but very generous nature when she let you in. she helped a bit, being there most days and being able to tell me how much Anthony enjoyed being in my class. she loved that boy so much. there was a strange history with mum. nanna and lovely, lovely dad did everything. I remember quite a lot about that boy. he and his nana have obviously left quite an impression on me. how do random people do that, I wonder? I will probably never hear about any of them again in my lifetime. I wonder how he's doing in highschool now?

I used to get funny, cute, friend emails that were obviously group fwds, from a girl, Katja and also from a girl who was not in my class but involved in my productions, Kelsey. well, one night at a show at Nambour Civic Centre (I'm sure it was Russell's brilliant production of Seussical the musical for NCC), there was Kelsey! waiting at the open doors as we were leaving because she'd spotted us and wanted to say hi. Sam went ahead of me with Poppy, who had slept until the end and woken for the curtain calls. Kelsey had taken on the role of dance captain for me, for the rock pop mime (Austin Powers theme. great story there for another day. what a saga to get that production on. all due to madonna boobs on fembots. but I stuck to my guns. and the optus-store-owning-we-have-the-might-and-right-of-almighty-god-behind-us-christians lost out in the end. doubly. 'cause we made a formal complaint to optus about their god-peddling ways while we had waited for some service one day in their store). Kelsey was a terrific dance captain and a fembot. her mum was a most supportive mum-of-fembot during said saga. so Kelsey waited in the crowd to inform me modestly that she was now completing dance at Kelvin Grove SHS. so did I make an impression there? let's hope so. you just can't be any sort of teacher without vaguely hoping you may have made a decent impression on at least one of your students at some stage!

anyway, back to our adventures on the farm today- there were baby goats smaller than Poppy and sheep much larger than her and it was such a cute scene of discovery and joy! but I couldn't take photos on my own. it was one of those uncontrollable situations that I had to really focus for! and I wanted Poppy to enjoy it rather than have that star pressure to perform for the paparrazi, you know. it is tough being a star. just ask any one of those girls in the playboy mansion. sheesh! do they do it tough or what? and just what is my fascination with their lives anyway? what IS that? I think, in a parallel universe, I would be one of those girls. yep. not kidding. I would be like Holly, preened to perfection and speaking nobly and ever so slightly intelligently (though not too intelligently, certainly not to give the game away) about dealing with the hectic schedule that comes with being Hef's FIRST, MAIN GIRLFRIEND. and how it's okay that he has the other girlfriends, though I just will never understand WHY. but it's okay that he has them.

Poppy and I left old macdonald's farm enclosure after saying bye bye to a particularly contrary piglet, with a heap of straw hanging off our lovely winter woollen gear. we looked at puppies in the pet store window. we looked at the leggins' in pumpkin patch (a baby girl can never have too many leggins'). we looked at all the fischer price and the fifi toys in myer and didn't buy a thing! you see, we were just doing our research. we're actually waiting patiently for the target toy sale on the 19th july.

last year, I convinced Sam to go in a little later to work, so I could race into the target toy sale at 8am without a baby or a baby bjorn or a pram or a bag (who'd even consider attempting it? the target toy sale 8am rush is no place for babies!) and I was able to lift the big fischer price items up to the layby counter and get outta there in under 25 mins! now that is surely a record! let me just make mention of one small but no less significant fact: I took a preview trip. research, you see. I knew the location of each desirable item and the approximate number of items available (and the likely prices, thanks to a well-meaning-but-maybe-might-have-been-disciplined-for-her-disclosure sales assistant), as well as scouting out the most efficient route from doors to toys to layby to doors. I didn't muck around, folks. I beat all those tragic, trashy, trailor park mums with their grotty, snotty pre-schoolers and I got home to my baby and brekky! oh, and allowed my husband to leave for work, having completed my mission successfully. let's hope this year is a similiar success!

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