Thursday, 31 May 2007

sooky or sooki?

I may have helped to turn my husband into a hypocrite. that's right, he is coming up with comments that sound suspiciously like I have made to him in the past and then proceeds to get on with the same action/attitude/behaviour that has just been criticised (let's not even think about the smoking. nothing like a reformed smoker, say I, apparently the 1% of the poulation who can or can not smoke completely willingly). take last night's conversation, for example. short and sweet, along the lines of, "what's up, baby?" "nothing." "no, what's up?" "I just get tired when poppalina's cranky all day, that's all." "well you're always sooky" (hello, sooky? is he referring to the baby label, sooki baby? no. but it's like oops-a-daisy; did you just say opps-a-daisy? no one says oops-a-daisy anymore) pause. pause. "I'm sorry, that was harsh." no response because I was, quite rightfully in the moment, SULKING at being labelled SOOKY. and in response to my nil-response, he came up with, "c'mon, I gave you a chance," to which I was stunned into further silence and sulkiness! he also proceeded to SULK for the rest of the evening! hello, I say! that WAS my line! I've told him before, "c'mon, I gave you the chance," and he's viciously turned and ruthlessly used it against me! I just can't even start on the other things that were informing my (sooky) demeanor. (minor but ongoing until they build up, even though you've mentioned them at least 3 times this week, though you didn't want to appear to be nagging and you can wait for them to be done or do them yourself anyway but then the whole point is not to have to do EVERYTHING because, after all, it LOOKS LIKE you're only at home with the baby, playing, laughing, reading, singing; not actually contributing, although the original agreement was to do the best thing for the baby, even if it meant selling the house and living a little more modestly for just a little while.........)

in his defense, he apologised; a rare thing and it ("sorry") was in fact, never shown on record until, hmmm, last year, I think, when I specifically mentioned that I always make a point of saying I'm sorry and why can't men do that? in Poppy's defense, she had her 12 mths shots on monday and has been a little bit clingy and, well.....sooky! this morning, I've had to put her in the pram to-finally-fall asleep just now, after hi-5 (she loves hi-5) and talking to the fish for the duration of a strange, french cd; Camille, which Aunty Lorelei sent from Melbourne one week when I had told her we were having trouble settling in the day (at about 7 months). that, followed by austar (air) spa music seems to have helped to settle her.

seventeen and a half minutes pass. hmph! (said the sour kangaroo) she's awake! so much for that. four and a half hours pass. tried putting baby to bed, with her baby, and she played and babbled happily for almost 2 hours, at which point I thought to myself, "self, this is ridiculous." she had ingeniously removed her nappy, without undoing and removing her playsuit and was checking out the anatomically correct bits on her baby doll! certainly didn't have time to sleep, with so much learning to do! so! she played nude for a little while-climbed up into the pram-and then we had lunch at three (dressed) and watched hi-5 (new episode). she has slept in the pram for the last hour, with jeff buckley on max channel and now, of course, now that I'm adding to this post, she's awake! she must know daddy's on his way go out! fishing! happily, I hope!

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